Edg-King HD Edging

Introduced in 1978, Edg-KingTM was the first true professional grade landscape edging. Still Oly-Ola’s finest round top edging, Edg-KingTM features four horizontal grooves on its anchoring wall which eliminates frost heaving problems and helps keep the edging in the ground. You need not worry about kinking or the additional labor costs that go along with it. Edg-King is arguably the best plastic landscape edging on the market.  Where others fail, Edg-KingTM succeeds. And, as with all Oly-Ola landscape edgings, Edg-KingTM is made with 100% recycled, high grade polyethylene, without fillers or blown in materials. It is made to last!

Available in 20′ section. Each piece includes 4 stakes and 1 connector.


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